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SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 Full Test 3

This is SSC CGL Tier 1 2023 paper held on 14 July 2023 in 2nd shift. It has 4 sections having 25 questions each. The total time allotted is 1 hour.


  1. Reasoning
  2. Mathematics
  3. General Awareness
  4. English

SSC CGL 14 July 2023 2nd shift full test

1 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option that represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in an English dictionary.

1. Strident
2. Student
3. Shirking
4. Stuffy
5. Spider
6. Spawn

2 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

All rice are grains.
All pulses are grains.
All grains are edibles.

I. All rice are edibles.
II. All pulses are edible.
III. Some edibles are grains.

3 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the figure from the options that can replace the question mark (?) and complete the given pattern.

4 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the given sets.
(NOTE : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding /Subtracting /multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed)

(14, 378, 9)
(18, 432, 8)

5 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different.
Pick the odd one out.

6 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?

294 + 14 × 4 ÷ 16 - 67 = 33

7 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Three of the following four triads are alike in a certain way as they are formed by performing same mathematical operations among themselves and thus form a group.

Which triad does NOT belong to that group?

8 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster and the fourth letter-cluster is related to the third letter-cluster.


9 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Find the number on the face opposite the face showing 4.

10 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Pointing to Suresha, I said, “She is the daughter of the brother of the son of my wife.” How am I related to Suresha?

11 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Which of the following is a leap year?

12 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster and the fourth letter-cluster is related to the third letter-cluster.

NHT : PEX : : KDF : MAJ :: UMR : ?

13 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Three statements are given, followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

Some coolers are mixers.
Some mixers are scissors.
Some scissors are knives.

I. Some knives are mixers.
II. Some scissors are coolers.
III. Some knives are coolers.
IV. No knife is a mixer.

14 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option that represents the letters that, when placed from left to right in the following blanks, will complete the letter-series.

_ V J R W B _ _ R W B V L _ _ B V _ _ W

15 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word. (The words must be considered as meaningful English words and must not be related to each other based on the number of letters/number of consonants/vowels in the word)

Orthopaedic : Bone :: Cardiologist : ?

16 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at MN as shown below.

17 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the set in which the number are related in the same way as the numbers of the given sets. (NOTE : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g. 13  Operations on 13 such as adding /subtracting /multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)

(31, 47, 35)
(51, 67, 55)

18 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and to balance the given equation.

150 * 3 * 10 * 2 * 7 * 46

19 / 100

Category: Reasoning

A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when unfolded?

20 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?

33, 80, 108, ?, 183, 230, 258

21 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.

(NOTE : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting / multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is NOT allowed)

(8, 44, 3)
(12, 60, 3)

22 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Which number should replace the question mark (?) in the following number series?
39, 42, 48, 57, 69, ?, 102

23 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

24 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is NOT allowed).

25 / 100

Category: Reasoning

Select the option that represents the letters that, when sequentially placed from left to right in the blanks below, will complete the letter series.

MN _ _ SM _ PO _ _ N _ OSM _ P _ S

26 / 100

Category: General Awareness

In January 2022, which State Government has extended its integrated initiative for the empowerment of persons with disabilities (PwDs) — the Bhima Bhoi Bhinnakhyama Samarthya Abhiyan (BBSA) – for the next five years?

27 / 100

Category: General Awareness

When was the International Day of the Girl Child 2021 celebrated?

28 / 100

Category: General Awareness

The venue of the 2020 Olympic Games was _________.

29 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Who among the following was defeated in the battle of Chanderi in 1528?

30 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Which of the following options conveys the meaning of the word ‘Republic’ in the
Indian Constitution?

31 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Which of the following was established in Bombay in 1875?

32 / 100

Category: General Awareness

In which of the following States/Union Territories were the 36th National Games held?

33 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Pathans in North-West India organised the society of Khudai Khidmatgars, popularly known as Red Shirt, under whose leadership?

34 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Select the FALSE statement from the given options.

35 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Who among the following was the author of the play ‘Mrichchhakatika’?

36 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Which of the following is a Tibeto-Burmese language?

37 / 100

Category: General Awareness

___________ is the process of complete or incomplete oxidation or hydrolysis of fats and oils when exposed to air, light, moisture, or bacterial action that spoils food.

38 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Who holds the authority of transferring judges from one High court to another High Court?

39 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Guru Bipin Singh, a Nrityacharya awardee, Sangeet Natak Akademi awardee and Kalidas Samman awardee, was renowned for promoting which classical dance form?

40 / 100

Category: General Awareness

The Kanchenjunga peak is located in which sub-division of Himalaya from the

41 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Before the rise of the modern industrial system, Indian exports consisted chiefly of
manufactures like________.

42 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Fisher’s quantity theory is explained by his famous equation given as ________.

43 / 100

Category: General Awareness

In which two consecutive years was there no chief guest at the Republic Day
celebrations of India?

44 / 100

Category: General Awareness

What will be the atomic number of an element X which is placed in period 2 and group 17?

45 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Which of the following is the red algae?

46 / 100

Category: General Awareness

KA Najeeb Vs Union of India case deals with violation of rights under____________.

47 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Daskathia of _________ is the tribal dance performed by two males depicting the
historic and Puranic events.

48 / 100

Category: General Awareness

When did Linus Carl Pauling receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for ‘his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its applications to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances’?

49 / 100

Category: General Awareness

According to IBEF 2021, the Indian pharmaceutical industry ranks _____ in the world on the basis of volume.

50 / 100

Category: General Awareness

Which of the following musical instruments were played by the musicians such as Shakoor Khan and Pandit Ram Narayan?

51 / 100

Category: Mathematics

The present age of Rahim is five times the present age of his daughter, Savita. Seven years from now, Rahim will be three times as old as Savita. What is the present age (in years) of Rahim?

52 / 100

Category: Mathematics

A thief steals a van at 3:00 a.m. and drives it at a speed of 57 km/h. The thief is discovered at 4:00 a.m. and the owner starts the chase with another van at a speed of 76 km/h. At what time will he catch the thief?

53 / 100

Category: Mathematics

If the simple interest at the same interest rate on ₹500 for 4 years and ₹700 for 2 years, combined together, is ₹280, then what is the rate of interest?

54 / 100

Category: Mathematics

What is the value of sec² 54° -  cot² 36° + (3/2) sin² 37° X sec² 53° + (2/√3) tan60°  ?

55 / 100

Category: Mathematics

A 15 cm long perpendicular is drawn from the centre of a circle to its 40 cm long
chord. Find the radius of the circle.

56 / 100

Category: Mathematics

4 women or 6 boys can finish a work in the same number of days. A man can finish it in 60 days. In how many days can 5 women finish the work, working together every day?

57 / 100

Category: Mathematics

The mean proportion between 7 and 112 is:

58 / 100

Category: Mathematics

Let ABC, PQR be two congruent triangles such that angle A = angle P = 90°. If BC =
13cm, PR = 5cm, find AB.

59 / 100

Category: Mathematics

Find the simplified value of the given expression.

60 / 100

Category: Mathematics

If the total surface area of a cube is 24 sq.units, then what is the volume of the cube?

61 / 100

Category: Mathematics

Study the given pie-chart and answer the question that follows.
The pie-chart shows the expenditure incurred in the preparation of a book by a
publisher, under various heads.

What is the difference between the angle of pie-chart showing the expenditure
incurred on binding and printing?

62 / 100

Category: Mathematics

Evaluate the following:
cos(36° + A).cos(36° − A) + cos(54° + A).cos(54° − A)

63 / 100

Category: Mathematics

What is the value of a³ + b³ + c³ ,  If (a+b+c) = 0?

  1. a² + b² + c² - 3 abc
  2. 0
  3. 3 abc
  4. a² + b² + c² - ab - bc - ca

64 / 100

Category: Mathematics

An electronic store owner allows two successive discounts of 20% and 25% on each item. The store has a reward points scheme which enables a customer to get free shopping worth ₹0.10 on every 1 reward point credited to the customer’s account on previous purchases from the store. A customer decides to buy a laptop that is marked at ₹72,000. What will be its net selling price if he has 2850 reward points to his credit?

65 / 100

Category: Mathematics

5 women and 9 girls earn a total of ₹18,720 in 9 days, while 9 women and 16 girls earn a total of ₹ 52,080 in 14 days. How much will 12 women and 7 girls together earn (in ₹) in 13 days?

66 / 100

Category: Mathematics

In what ratio must water be mixed with milk, costing₹32 per litre, in order to get a
mixture costing₹28 per litre?

67 / 100

Category: Mathematics

If D is the midpoint of BC in △ABC and ∠A = 90⁰, then AD = _______.

68 / 100

Category: Mathematics

A shopkeeper uses 940 gm weight in place of one kg weight. He sells it at 4% profit.
What will be the actual profit percentage? (rounded off to two decimal places)

69 / 100

Category: Mathematics

X and Y can complete a work in 9 days and 36 days, respectively. X begins to do the work and they work alternately one at a time for one day each. The whole work will be complete in:

70 / 100

Category: Mathematics

What is the value of 64 X³ + 38 X² Y + 20 X Y² + Y³ , when X =3 and Y = -4 ?

71 / 100

Category: Mathematics

Study the given pie chart and answer the question that follows.

The population of village D in 2020 was 10,500. What was the population of village A in 2020? Total population of these six villages is 100%

72 / 100

Category: Mathematics

Evaluate the following.
sin 25° sin 65° – cos 25° cos 65°.

73 / 100

Category: Mathematics

In an election, 2% persons enrolled in the voter list did not participate and 500 votes were invalid. Two candidates A and B fought the election, and A defeated B by 200 votes. If 43% of the persons enrolled in the voter list casted their votes in favour of A, then what is the number of the total casted votes?

74 / 100

Category: Mathematics

P is two times more efficient than Q. P is able to complete a piece of work in 40 days less than Q. Working together, the whole number of days taken by them to complete the work is:  (Round off to the nearest integer)

75 / 100

Category: Mathematics

In a race around a circular cycling track of 75 km, two cyclists are riding at a speed of 30 km/h and 25 km/h. After what time (in hours) will they meet at the point from where they started their journey?

76 / 100

Category: English


In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

The Sun is the star at the center of (1) __________ Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma. The Sun has inspired us since ancient times. It’s central to mythology and religion in (2) ____________ around the world. It keeps our planet warm enough for living things to grow. It gives us light so we can see. It is by far the most important (3) _________of energy for life on Earth. It is about a hundred times as wide (4)________ the Earth. If there were no sun, many things wouldn’t occur like photosynthesis or the presence of oxygen, which would have caused no (5) __________ of life.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5.

77 / 100

Category: English


In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

The Sun is the star at the center of (1) __________ Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma. The Sun has inspired us since ancient times. It’s central to mythology and religion in (2) ____________ around the world. It keeps our planet warm enough for living things to grow. It gives us light so we can see. It is by far the most important (3) _________of energy for life on Earth. It is about a hundred times as wide (4)________ the Earth. If there were no sun, many things wouldn’t occur like photosynthesis or the presence of oxygen, which would have caused no (5) __________ of life.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.

78 / 100

Category: English


In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

The Sun is the star at the center of (1) __________ Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma. The Sun has inspired us since ancient times. It’s central to mythology and religion in (2) ____________ around the world. It keeps our planet warm enough for living things to grow. It gives us light so we can see. It is by far the most important (3) _________of energy for life on Earth. It is about a hundred times as wide (4)________ the Earth. If there were no sun, many things wouldn’t occur like photosynthesis or the presence of oxygen, which would have caused no (5) __________ of life.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.

79 / 100

Category: English


In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

The Sun is the star at the center of (1) __________ Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma. The Sun has inspired us since ancient times. It’s central to mythology and religion in (2) ____________ around the world. It keeps our planet warm enough for living things to grow. It gives us light so we can see. It is by far the most important (3) _________of energy for life on Earth. It is about a hundred times as wide (4)________ the Earth. If there were no sun, many things wouldn’t occur like photosynthesis or the presence of oxygen, which would have caused no (5) __________ of life.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.

80 / 100

Category: English


In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

The Sun is the star at the center of (1) __________ Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma. The Sun has inspired us since ancient times. It’s central to mythology and religion in (2) ____________ around the world. It keeps our planet warm enough for living things to grow. It gives us light so we can see. It is by far the most important (3) _________of energy for life on Earth. It is about a hundred times as wide (4)________ the Earth. If there were no sun, many things wouldn’t occur like photosynthesis or the presence of oxygen, which would have caused no (5) __________ of life.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.

81 / 100

Category: English

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. The outcome is much more likely to be favourable if there is substantial
international aid than if there is not.
B. Many of the underdeveloped countries will promote the growth of their economies in one way or the other, no matter whether they receive substantial outside aid in the process or not.
C. By substantial aid I mean not only large amounts of technical assistance but also of capital.
D. The character of that development, however, is likely to be strongly influenced by the types of and amounts of aid available.

82 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Miss the boat

83 / 100

Category: English

Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of
A person who believes that laws and governments are not necessary.

84 / 100

Category: English

In the following sentence, four words are bold, out of which one word is
incorrectly spelt. Identify the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
A lot of spontanity is required from the speaker in an extempore speech. The speaker is expected to brainstorm ideas and give speech instantaneously .

85 / 100

Category: English

The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may contain an error.
Select the part that contains the error from the given options. If you don’t find any error, mark ‘No error’ as your answer.

After knowing truth, / the jury took the right decision / in the case.

86 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘Optimistic’ from the given
After the incident, Radha prepared herself to stay positive even in gloomy days.

87 / 100

Category: English

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.

Was the bag packed by Mary?

88 / 100

Category: English

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. During the summer, I noticed that the leaves of the tree were beginning to wither.
B. I am especially proud of it, not only because it has survived several winters, but because it occasionally produces luscious peaches.
C. The tree had grown against a warm wall on a sheltered side of the house.
D. Last summer, I spent many days in the garden watching thousands of ants crawling up the trunk of my prize peach tree.

89 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the bold segment in the given sentence.

The fact that God created man in his personal view by giving him an intellectual spirit elevates him above the beasts of the field.

90 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.


91 / 100

Category: English

Identify how you will ask everyone if the children were not reading the books in
passive voice.

92 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word from the sentence.

She was preparing dinner in an organised manner using well-equipped tools while listening to the radio.

93 / 100

Category: English

Sentences of a paragraph are given below. While the first and the last sentences (S1 and S6) are in the correct order, the sentences in between are jumbled up and named. P, Q, R, S. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

(S1) Newspapers, especially of the popular variety, aim to do two things: to inform and to entertain.
(P) Entertainment may be principally found in the centre pages of the newspaper in some of the feature articles and in some local news stories.
(Q) The principal aim of the short news report on the front pages is to inform.
(R) Most newspapers are published daily, and the news reporters must make sure that they have up-to-the minute news.
(S) In their news reports they will aim to create a sense of immediacy, to convey the impression that they have ‘rushed’ the news to the reader and ‘that the information contained is the very latest.’
(S6) Reporters also wish to create a sense of authenticity, that is, that their news is accurate and genuine.

94 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word given in brackets to fill in the

Mr. Khanna is quite ___________(callous) towards the victims of earthquake.

95 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.

She reminds me always that I ________ to be a little more careful.

96 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the bold word.

Do you know the old adage 'the show must go on’?

97 / 100

Category: English

Identify and correct the INCORRECTLY spelt word in the given sentence.

The Collector paid floral tributes to the statue of Mahatma Gandhi after hosting the flag.

98 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

To kick the bucket

99 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the bold word.
He was compelled by everyone to join the group

100 / 100

Category: English

Select the most appropriate option to substitute the bold segment in the given sentence.
The boys and the teacher wants to win.

Your score is
